New Testament Church

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Church News

Evangelist Xavier Baez - 6/27/2021
New Testament Church, 6772 Lamphear Rd. Rome, welcomes the ministry of Evangelist Xavier Baez on Sunday, June 27th @ 6:30pm. Evangelist Xavier A. Baez was called by God into full-time ministry in 2009 while working as an IT in South Florida. He is currently conducting evangelistic crusades in North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean Islands. In 2013, XBM began working with churches in Africa and Asia. He has been involved in church revivals, camp meetings, conferences, open air crusades and tent revivals. In his meetings, people have experienced instant healing by the touch of the Holy Spirit. From people's diseases being removed to bones going back in place. Join us for these life changing meetings!

Service Times

9:00 AM - Worship Service
10:30 AM - Worship Service
7:30 PM - Evening Service and Youth Group